…hahahahahahahaha - “civil unrest as a deterrent”?! ..,you you out of your mind ?! …you really don’t know nothing about stupid fucking rusha

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Jun 1Liked by AdamColeman

…and yes you’re right i didn’t read the the whole story

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…as i’m tired to write: TWO PARTY SYSTEM IS ONE STEP TO AUTOCRACY, the whole system is not “broken” - it’s been designed to promote CORPORATE OLIGARCHY that we are, from politics and social structure to education, remember “it’s economy stupid…”? ..that’s a very elaborate propaganda, people are voting for corporate world of GOP because “they giving them JOBS to pay bills and mortgages, if you don’t have enough money to pay the bills - get another job, that’s why americans are worried about “gas prices” and other “red herrings” while losing their rights and freedoms

…political ignorance and

lack of proper education

made America

a politically impaired nation

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Jun 1Liked by AdamColeman

…rusha will not “feel the pain” because pain is their very own existence, that nation is a GENETIC GARBAGE, it’s not derogatory, it’s a fact: this is what happens when country SYSTEMATICALLY EXTERMINATE any free thinkers and intelligent people in a duration of almost a CENTURY, that was in a soviet era, rusha is a DEFINITION OF A MAFIA STATE and gangs never produced anything, they are sucking all sources out of EVERYTHING, and main problem there is lack of intelligent human resources, i was born in soviet union in 1956, served in a fucking red army 1974-76 and left that horrible country as a political refugee in 1988, now i feel like I NEVER FUCKING LEFT IT, this country suffers the same disease as in rusha - they have learned how to survive in a constantly diminishing social and economic structure by being demoted to the production tool that makes billions for a few, this country is not democracy and it’s been for a while, we are CORPORATE OLIGARCHY

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